- Archizoom, No-stop City
“The factory and the supermarket become the specimen models of the future city: optimal urban structures, potentially limitless, where human functions are arranged spontaneously in a free field, made uniform by a system of micro-acclimatization and optimal circulation of information.”

- Production and Consumption
The repetitive, no stop city is the result of the large production and consumption; people are living in this free field. While people are producing and consuming unconsciously, they are losing their judgments on the products in factories and supermarkets, only constant consumption left. One day, large-scale production and consumption brought vast garbage and pollution. At that time, non-recyclable garbage eroded the natural landscape, and no one handled recyclable garbage, and no one even noticed them because people are still immersive in mass production and consumption. One day, when that vast garbage has gradually been destroying this urban space, and there are not enough natural resources for production and consumption, people need to face this serious problem. No-stop city can exist only if garbage and pollution are converted into production or consumption through specific means so that they are equivalent or can be transformed into each other.
- Recycling and Disposal (The Origin of Infrastructure)
At the point that people begin to realize the importance of garbage recycling and disposal, they are decreasing garbage by recycling strategies and sustainable methods such as waste sorting at first, and then people are building new, sustainable structures by recycling construction waste. Also, people can use domestic waste and urban waste to carry out urban agriculture or three-dimensional agriculture in a vertical space, and at the same time supply the produced resources to factories, and then convert them into commodities. In such an assumption, the efficiency of production has increased, and production and recycling have entered a positive circulation. At the same time, people also began to build different vertical recycling structures, artificial agriculture, and artificial landscape. In the end, in No-stop City, the only natural landscape left becomes the artificial landscape.
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